Elliot Organic Livestock

Thursday, December 8th, 2016 | crankit

 Jackson, Queensland

Elliott Agriculture is family owned and operated by Shane and Jane Elliott and their two sons, who are dedicated to consistently delivering naturally produced, tender flavoursome beef and lamb, using environmentally friendly and sustainable management practices. Their property “Scotland” lies south of Jackson in South West Queensland. The region is one of the finest beef and lamb producing areas in Queensland & Australia.  Jackson is located between the vast livestock breeding areas of western and northern Queensland and the rich grain growing areas of the Darling Downs in South East Queensland.

Today, like many small country towns, all the commerce has long since gone and Jackson remains a quiet little town of 14 residences and approximately 20 people.  Like all small country towns, local characters are not in short supply, and Jackson is now a rich grazing and farming region.

At mustering time the whole family jumps on their trailbikes and rounds em up! The Elliotts are quickly developing a reputation for excellent quality certified organic beef and lamb, which they send to our local organic butcher for processing into the retail packs available from Farm Fresh Organics.

Certified by Organic Food Chain (OFC) #736