Ellerslie Farm Eggs

Thursday, December 8th, 2016 | crankit

Darling Downs, Queensland 

Ellerslie Farm Organic Free Range eggs are laid by hens that range freely on organic, chemical free pastures with a maximum density of 1500 hens per hectare when outdoors. Their hens are fed a nutritious organic mix that is free from genetically modified plants. The farm is independently audited to ensure Australian Certified Organic standards are strictly adhered to, in addition to our high standards of hen welfare and egg quality.

For an egg to be classified as ‘organic’, it must be produced from free-range hens fed entirely certified organic grains. Throughout the day the chooks are free to come and go as they please from the sheds. The hens graze on certified organic pastures, foraging freely across acres of pasture in daylight hours, are never debeaked, and lay their precious eggs in straw filled nests from which the eggs are collected twice daily by hand. At night the birds are housed in secure sheds to keep foxes at bay. Forage crops are planted to provide cover during the day from eagles and hawks.

Part of the ACO organic certification is an indoor scratching area for them to scratch and have dust baths.  Inside the shed at this farm certified organic birds are kept at a density of 7 birds per square metre, compared to 12 birds per square metre for free range.